SSFF Why is the companionship done at the threshold of the house? Know before Diwali what is the significance of Mangalkarta Swastik? ~ Smallvector

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Why is the companionship done at the threshold of the house? Know before Diwali what is the significance of Mangalkarta Swastik?

has been a feature of Indian culture. We respect all the elements, chemicals, flora, life and geography provided by nature and inspire them to benevolent to human life by their great qualities, which we clearly know through the mantras and sayings in our Vedas and Shastras, as well as in the Indian tradition. But the creation of Dharmachihn and auspiciousness is due to the combination of nature and religion and science. So today we will talk about one such great symbol of Indian culture Swastika.

The word swastika is a combination of su + as, where su means auspicious or welfare and as means doer or doer, so it fully means doer of welfare. It has been the tradition of Indian culture that no auspicious work or Yajna-Puja Adi Dharma works begin without Swastika. Also no manglik and religious work is started without Swastika symbol.

The sign of Mars swastika is established at the beginning of all auspicious deeds in our civilization. Then in the worship of that Vighnaharta Ganapatiji, Lakshmiji, the goddess of wealth, splendor and opulence, and the swastika with auspiciousness are worshipped. A businessman installs a swastika in his New Year's book worship to wish for progress and prosperity in the coming year. While making a new horoscope, astrologers first inscribe the swastika symbol with the wish that the life of the native will be prosperous and auspicious.

The four arms in the swastika indicate various elements, the first being Chaturdisha - East, West, North, South. The four Purusharthas also suggest Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Also suggests four Yugas- Satyuga, Tretayuga, Dwaparayuga and Kaliyuga. Our Chaturveda also suggests Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, Atharvaveda. Apart from this, it also indicates the stages of human life i.e. brahmacaryashram, grhasthashram, vanaprasthashram, sannyashram. Besides, the weapons in the quadrilateral of Lord Vishnu are also indicative of conch, chakra, mace and yajna.


In this benevolent swastika sign, the four lines at the end of the arm indicate blessings from Lord Indra, Brahma, Surya and Vishnu, while the four dots within are considered to represent the Sun, Moon, Earth and the Universe. The Mooladhara and Manipur Chakras in the human body are compared to the Swastika.


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