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Gender Audit '' Gender bias free environment in schools based on checklist

 Gender Audit '' Gender bias free environment in schools on the basis of checklist

Gender audit based on checklist. Gender bias free environment in schools. Reference: Office letter no.  SSA / GA  / Innovation / J2, - (2) / 2013 / 206–206, dated 31,09.2017 Regarding the above subject, to state that, as per the reference letter, gender bias free environment in all primary schools, secondary schools and higher secondary schools of your district.  The operation will be carried out as per the guidelines for, but in the current year, you will inform the concerned to implement the permanent instructions to operate as in the previous year.  In order to create a gender bias-free environment in the physical environment, classroom and other environments of all the primary schools, secondary schools and higher secondary schools under your jurisdiction in the current academic year as well.  Submitting guidelines and "issue" gender audit checklist.  In addition, a copy of the "Gender Audit" checklist should be posted on the school notice board in all schools and each school should be instructed to conduct its own self-assessment based on the "Gender Audit" checklist.  Not done as well as the work is not done as per the guidelines 
Assistant District Co.  O.  - Girls Education, BRC Co.  Coordinator and CRC co.  You are kindly requested to inform the concerned to make arrangements for intensive monitoring by the coordinator.

Annexure - (1) Let's do this for a gender bias free environment .... Classroom, Classroom, Teacher-Student, Student-Student seating arrangement, Physical facilities, Practical work, Sports, Computer, Toilet, Lunch, During school activities  Is there a gender bias free environment for boys and girls?  Checklist - Guidelines.  Our Resolution - School Family: "Does my school have the following things?  Check it out and try to make up for what is missing.  Opportunity and workload sharing. * Prayer meeting: Arrangement of sexual orientation according to the seating arrangement standard / class / roll number rotation of girls and boys in the prayer meeting.  - To take according to the roll number 1 to 5 of 3. To organize a program where all the boys and girls get equal opportunity. Tools - to play the instruments simultaneously.  To arrange for equal opportunity for all girls, hourly, standard wise. For example, if there are 10 seats in the lab, then 2 girls and 2 boys can be taken.  Giving equal opportunity.  .  Sports Equipment and Usage ઃ - Sports Equipment Sharing Equality Girls and boys play joint games with boys and girls get equal opportunity in the use of the field.  Use of Library - Bios Free Books.  Using the library and updating the register - Providing excellent motivation for both boys and girls to use Inspiring inspirational books that promote girls education.  TLM photos of great people  And maintaining similarities in the portraits of great men - putting up pictures of great women who have maintained similarities to the portraits of great men on school premises.

 .  Toilet: It is imperative to have separate toilet facilities for boys and girls in the school. The toilet for girls must be usable and water should be available. Toilet doors should not be broken.  Necessary cleaning equipment of the toilet is required to be installed at school level and timely cleaning is mandatory.  The trash can is just as inevitable.  Soaps and napkins should be kept outside the toilet. Doors or stoppers can be used to close the doors. Sanitary napkins should be made available to girls in the girls' sanitation department at the school.  Arranging from level.  Care should be taken to ensure that this facility is provided with the help of a grant from the school or CHC / PHC.  If this facility is available in a school, arrangements should also be made for its proper disposal.  Menstrual health and hygiene management should be discussed with girls by female teachers.  The helpline number for girls / women safety should be displayed on the school bulletin board.  Organize self-defense training for girls.  .  In every school from where every Kanyakumar passes, a mirror of 3 to 4.5 feet should be installed in the lobby.  This mirror can also be installed in the wash area.  ♦ Class Behavior and Teacher Student: (1) In class instruction, in the instruction given to boys and girls, to use the sentence free from sexual bias.  Provide equal opportunity to ask questions (2) (2) Explain the subject matter or give examples to provide free sex bias example of both the bride and groom  When teaching the subject matter, in the example of great men, role models, talented people, in the example of both men and women, (2) the style of asking questions should be the same for gestures, voice behavior, bride and groom.  In order to maintain self-confidence.
Conducting activities in the class or school in a mixed group of girls and boys. (3) If there is a female teacher for girls in schools, they should talk to the girls and boys about their confusion once in a fortnight.  If there is no female teacher, the girls in the school should be instructed by the male teacher to put in the question box if there are any questions / confusions (physical, mental) of the girls,  / SMC  No female member meets and discusses this issue.  (10) Even if there are questions / confusions of boys in this question box.  (11) Conversation with bride and groom regarding menstruation.  In order to satisfy the curiosity of the boys about the same thing (19), after the successful completion of education of girls in that school, to make efforts for further study in college in another school.  "Grievance Redressal System": 1. Complaint Box at School Level 2. Every week the grievances are disposed of by the female teacher and her understanding is developed. If there is no female teacher in the school then the female member of SMC /  This process should be done once a week by a female teacher from another school in the cluster. 2. Personal issues of the girls should be resolved. 3. Adolescent issues should be discussed by the teachers with the boys and with the girls.

 Gender Audit '' Gender bias free environment in schools based on checklist

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